Saturday, February 13, 2010

Second Hand Media

The thing I find extremely weird...and the thing I unfortunately had to experience first hand, is the indirect influence of media. I've talked and listed ways of how watching listening or even looking at the TV, radio, internet or newspaper can provide the audience of an intended bias. But also it can affect you just by interacting with those who already have been influenced. I, in all my years of watching TV, and using the internet was never concerned with the way others might have seen me. I was unaffected by violence and characters until I began to interact more with my friends and this occurred at a young age. I would see my friends every year, watching a little more TV, and listening to music a little more through portable devices. And now I see them with the progressed technology, and the progressed usage. The movies send them messages of love, life-those huge issues and themes that every movie tries to some up in an hour, minus the other hour of inevitable physical fighting of some sort- and they buy it. Suddenly we have to use certain catch phrases and act a certain way, it is harmless at first but as children grow older so does their understanding of the movies and songs and articles. Then acting, looking and a certain way is serious and all that is important since that’s what’s always on. Girls and even boys are peer pressured and even bullied by the media. Friends may want them to act a certain way and so “unexposed” people will begin to experience the change in their own personality.
Basically media nowadays is what’s raising our children. Are they more likely to remember the day’s lesson or the Rihanna’s new single? They come home, turn on the TV and focus on what’s on. It’s hard to find a teen without a cell…maybe without two. And we can’t always blame them…it’s the media they are being allowed to be exposed to. It has become the inevitable. In my opinion the only choice is finding the right exposure.
And this to me is how I think the media has developed. The way we interact with one another has completely changed since the turn of the century, and it so will continue to change as technology comes up with even more ways to “communicate” to the audience.

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